Packing List for Bob Marshall Wilderness Trips
NOTE: Please pack as compact as possible due to limited space on the horses. Make sure to have warm layered clothes even in the summer.
Camp Gear Provided by Wilderness Lodge Outfitters
- all meals both at the Wilderness Lodge and in camp
- all non-alcoholic beverages
- Sleeping Bags
- Sleeping Pads
- Pillows
- Cots
- Sleeping Tents (max 2 guests per tent)
- Hand wash station, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, etc
Fishing Gear Provided
- fly rods
- flies, leaders, tippet and all other fishing tackle
Personal Gear to Pack:
- Small flashlight
- Personal toiletries (toothbrush, glasses/contacts/medications, etc)
- 2 trash bags for dirty clothes (to separate them in your bags)
- Polarized Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent
- water bottle
- Phone or camera for Photos along with charging stick or solar charger
- Any alcohol you prefer (please keep it compact, for beer please opt for cans over bottles)
Recommended Clothing:
- 1 pair of water resistant hiking/riding boots (like Danner)
- wool socks (at least 2 pairs)
- regular socks for camp
- blue jeans for riding (Wranglers are best with seam on outside)
- Sandals (not flip flops) for on the river
- Sun Protection (hat with a brim, consider clothing good for sun protection such as quick dry long sleeve shirts, pants, buffs, sun gloves, etc)
- Raincoat and rain pants
- soft duffels or trash bags to separate your clothes
- Comfortable shoes like sneakers for in camp
- Layers of clothing for camp and river (fleece, etc.)
- Quick dry, breathable clothing for on the river
- Pair of long underwear
- Gloves and warm hat for evenings
- Swimsuit if weather permits
Montana Fishing License AND Bull Trout Stamp (for July trips) are required:
- MT fishing licenses can be purchased online - see our fishing license page for information
- IF your trip is in July you also need a free bull trout catch card (download application here:
Optional Fishing Gear (NOTE - we provide ALL fishing tackle and can rent waders if needed. This list is ONLY for those that choose to bring their own fishing gear):
- Waders (for early season trips or if colder than average weather is forecast)
- Wading boots (NO studded boots, they cause damage to the boats)
- Neoprene wading socks or hiking socks that will get wet for wet wading
- Fishing Vest or Pack
- Clippers & Forceps
- Leaders 9'- 3x, 4x
- Strike Indicators
- Tippet Material 3x, 4x, 5x most common
- Split Shot B, BB
- Dry Fly Floatant
- Fly Boxes (attractor dry flies, hoppers, some bead head nymphs and possibly large streamers if bull trout are in season)
- Wading Staff (optional)
- 5 or 6 wt fly rod (most commonly used)
- For bull trout we recommend an 8 weight with a 250 grain sink tip (July trips only)