5 Tips For Fishing The Lower Madison At High Water
The “Lower” Madison is one of the most reliable float fisheries in our area during runoff. Though the river will get high, it only rarely becomes too muddy to fish, making it a good option in May and June when the Yellowstone is blown out. The “Lower” refers to the section of the Madison River below...
Montana's Mother's Day Caddis Hatch On The Madison And Yellowstone Rivers in May
The annual Mother’s Day Caddis hatch in early May is one of the most anticipated events here in Southwest Montana. While it may not be quite as famous as the Salmon Fly hatch, the fishing can be every bit as good, if not even better. The sheer number of bugs that take to the air during the peak of...
April and May Hatches On The Yellowstone River: Spring Fly Fishing in Montana at its Best
Spring is unquestionably the most underrated time of year to fish the Yellowstone River. As water temperatures rise, the trouts’ metabolism begins to increase, putting them on the hunt for food. Fishing pressure is low during spring, and most trout on the ‘Stone haven’t seen a fly in months. While...
New Options for Spring Fishing on the Madison River
Fishing regulation changes for 2016 have opened up some great new options for anglers on the Madison River. Previously, much of the river was closed between the end of February and the 3rd Saturday in May. Now, the entire river from Hebgen Lake to the Missouri River, nearly 100 miles of productive...
5 Great Rivers For Spring Fishing In Montana During March, April and May
Early Spring (late March thru early May) is the most underrated time of year to fish in Montana. The trout are hungry after a long winter and have not seen a fly in months. Low water levels have fish concentrated in specific areas and crowds are sparse. While visiting anglers have discovered our...
Mexico Fly Fishing Trip Report: Costa de Cocos Lodge, Xcalak
Myself and fellow Montana Angler guide Tony Nahorny traveled south to our partners at Costa de Cocos Lodge in Xcalak, Mexico in late February for a week-long escape from the Montana winter. It would be my second trip chasing saltwater fish on the flats, while Tony is a fairly experienced saltwater...
Winter Fishing Options Around Bozeman
One of the factors that makes Bozeman, MT such a great trout town is that the surrounding waters offer great fishing 12 months out of the year. Mild winter days offer anglers some prime opportunities to catch trout with very predictable fishing and nonexistent crowds. Winter is the time to...
Patagonia Trip Report: Rio Pico Argentina 2016
There is something about driving a little farther and working a little harder that always appeals to me when it comes to fly fishing. I guess I am always hoping that the grass IS a little greener on the other side of the fence. Perhaps this is why the Rio Pico region of Patagonia in Argentina has...
Argentina 2016 Patagonia Fishing Trip Report: San Martin de Los Andes region
I caught the fishing bug as soon as my dad put a bamboo stick in my hand when I was three. As the addiction grew I couldn’t get enough of it and by the time I was ten was checking out every fishing book I could from multiple libraries in a tri county area. Far way rivers such as the Madison...
5 Tips For Fishing The Salmonfly Hatch On The Madison
The annual Salmon Fly hatch on Montana’s Madison River is one of fly fishing’s most storied and anticipated events. Salmon Fly time is hands down your best shot at landing a true trophy trout on a dry fly. The sight of a 3 inch long insect splashing about the surface is enough to draw even the...