Agua Boa Lodge is located deep in in one of the Amazon's last remaining tracts of uncut and uninhabited rainforest. The lodge offers world class peacock bass opportunities in clear waters of the Amazon's only fishery designated for catch and release fly fishing. Peacock bass are incredibly aggressive and eagerly strike streamers. These beautiful, hard fighting fish are one of the world's great game fish on a fly rod. In addition to multiple species of peacock bass guests can also target several other exotic Amazonian game fish.
The lodge is located over 200 miles from the nearest town of Manaus, Brazil and a weekly charter flight directly to the lodge is part of the package. The lodge offers a spacious gathering area with a large dining room, living room and game room as well as a large porch and outdoor eating area. Guests enjoy large individual bungalows that each have a large porch, hammock and sitting area outside. Inside each bungalow has two double beds, a reading area, private bath, mini bar and table.
2025 Agua Boa Lodge trip report
2024 Agua Boa Lodge trip report
2023 Agua Boa Lodge trip report
2022 Agua Boa Lodge trip report
2018 Agua Boa Lodge trip report
2017 Agua Boa Lodge trip report

2025/2026 Rates:
$7250 per person per week October - December
$8450 per person per week January - March
*ask about discounted Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks
(Rates are for double occupancy, contact us to inquire about single angler pricing)
Double occupancy at lodge, beer and wine, charter flight from Manaus
Airfare to Manaus, flies and fly rods (flies available for sale and rods available for rent), liquor, accommodations and meals in Manaus before flying to the lodge and gratuities, Global Rescue medical evacuation insurance is required by the lodge, travel insurance is not included but we recommend considering it to protect your investment
We suggest a tip of $15-20% USD for the lodge staff and guides. Tips are split evenly among the guides and support staff. You do not need to leave any additional tips. Tips are left to the discretion of the angler. This is only a rough guideline for planning purposes. The lodge manager will collect the tips. Please bring cash for the gratuities.
When most people think of fishing the Amazon, they think of wide, silt-laden rivers. The Agua Boa is different. It flows out of the “mountains” of northern Brazil. Accordingly, during the dry season, the river runs low and clear. Once you have fished the crystal clear-waters of the Agua Boa, you will come to realize why this river has been variously described as “the most exciting, unique fishing location we have visited” and “the best fly fishing experience there is”.
Under normal water conditions, the clarity of the water allows sight casting to cruising peacock bass (Tucunaré) as well as the elusive aruwana as they glide across the fine sandy bottomed shallows. It should be noted that the fishing season is built into the dry season and designed to provide quality water conditions throughout the season. It is, of course, possible that the water conditions will not be “normal” during your week at the lodge. Do not despair, as fishing options shift to lagoons that are remarkably productive insuring good fishing options. The river is exclusively catch and release fly fishing only water - the only such fishery in the Amazon!
Species Targeted:
Peacock Bass:
There are three species of peacock bass present on the Agua Boa: the butterfly, spotted and temensis. They are all great fish for the fly angler. The butterfly peacock is the most numerous in the system. Butterflies are aggressive takers on poppers and 3-4 inch streamers. They are great fighters and jump often. They range between 2 and 8 pounds with approximately a 3 pound average in the system. Butterfly peacocks provide plenty of action between shots at larger fish. The spotted and temensis peacock bass are both a totally different beast. These two species are the largest of the peacocks and can attain weights of 25 pounds. These peacocks are some of the most aggressive game fish on the planet. They wander in schools of up to 40 fish and feed together working bait like bluefish. It is difficult to describe a school of these large peacocks in full feeding frenzy. Needless to say that 1 pound baitfish are flying everywhere in a desperate attempt to escape. In many cases the baitfish will jump onto land to escape. If you can get your fly into the action, the results are spectacular: a ferocious take, a blistering run, a jump and or a run into structure are just a few of the possible obstacles you might be confronted with.
The Arowana:
The other jungle species are also well worth pursuing. The arowana look and act a lot like a tarpon. They have huge scales, are air breathers, spooky and wander through the river in schools in search of baitfish. Arowana are a surface oriented fish. They are very visible and provide exciting sight casting when conditions are right. Arowana have a jaw similar to tarpon and require a hard strike. They are aerial fighters and good runners. Arowana average 6 -10 lbs, but can reach nearly 15 lbs.
The Pacu:
Pacu, also known as the silver dollar, are a fun fish and can be taken on trout patterns like royal wulffs, caddis and flesh flies. They are shaped like a permit and in the Agua Boa they reach weights of 5 pounds. In front of the camp there are pods of hundreds of pacu rising nightly.
The Pirarucu:
Pirarucu, the giant tarpon of the Amazon, reach weights well in excess of 200 pounds. These fish look and act a lot like tarpon, but are so smart and probably one of the most difficult game fish on the planet to land on a fly. Over the years lodge guests have have landed over 20 on the fly. They are acrobatic and excellent fighters. It is tough to describe the excitement of seeing a six foot fish and trying to manage a cast to one.
The most commonly used rod on the Agua Boa river is an 8 or 9 weight. Your lines should be those designed for the tropics’ high temperatures such as the top quality Rio SW Clouser Tropical Taper, Tropical Outbound Short floating lines and for the sinking a 200 or 300 grain Deep Sea Sink Tip. Leaders should also be those designed for the tropical temperatures, we recommend the Rio 44lb and 33lb Hard Saltwater mono. Flies in the sizes 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, and 4/0, of the large streamer/lure style are the most productive, such as Deceivers, Whistlers, etc with large bead-chain eyes, dumbbell eyes etc. or stick on eyes. For fishing with a floating line, poppers such as Waller Pearly Poppers, Big Boy Trevally Poppers, etc. can produce spectacular top water takes!
There is a fly shop at the lodge and we can guide you through your tackle preparations and help you order a good fly kit to bring along.
Fishing Gear:
- Two or three 8/9 weight rods are recommended for peacock bass. We suggest a large arbor reel with a great drag for your reel.
- Tropical lines work best in the heat. We recommend the Rio Outbound Floating
- Rio Tropical F/I Intermediate Line 10 or 15 feet clear tip
- 200 or 300 grain sink tip
- Tippet: Between .022 – .027 / 30-40 pounds hard mono
- Hook sharpener
- Pliers
- Fishing hat, make sure it has good sun protection
- Sturdy rod case (preferably one that you can carry on)
- Line nippers
- Stripping glove or sleeve
- Boga Grip (Guides usually have, but as the season wears on, they can be scarce)
The Agua Boa Amazon Lodge was built in 2001. The lodge is a spacious facility with a large dining room, a living room, bar and game room. The game room has a snooker table, ping pong table, darts, and an endless array of games from chess to backgammon.
Meals and Entertainment
There is also an entertainment area with a DVD player, wireless internet, and satellite TV. The lodge has a great porch with an eating area, hammocks, and sitting area. Outside there is a 20 meter swimming pool, bar area, volleyball court, and soccer field. The Agua Boa Amazon Lodge has the finest facility in the peacock bass world.
Breakfast is buffet style, with a choice of hot and cold dishes, breads, pastries, cold meat, fresh fruit and cereals. In addition, fresh fruit juices and coffee are freely available. Lunch may be taken either at the Lodge, where our chef will provide a cooked meal, or a packed lunch can be prepared in the morning for those who prefer to stay on the River all day.
For dinner, guests will enjoy a three course dinner, with wine, served in the dining room overlooking the grounds each evening. The main course is a buffet, with a choice of several meat and fish dishes, all freshly prepared by our chef. Throughout the day and evening, snacks and hot and cold drinks are always available.
The package price includes alcohol and soft drinks. It does not include premium liquors which are available for purchase but does include beer, wine, and Brazilian liquors.
Individual bungalows
Clients stay in well-furnished, air-conditioned bungalows. Each bungalow has a large front and back porch, hammock and sitting area. Inside there is a main room with two double beds, a reading area, frigobar, and table. The bathroom is large and well designed. A ten inch shower head will let you know that you are in the land of water. The bungalows have hot and cold running water, flushing toilets, and enough storage for even the best packed fishermen. The hot water is provided by solar panels.
Problems during the week
Agua Boa Amazon Lodge operates as smoothly as any lodge out there, but occasionally there are issues. When they come up, the only way we can fix them is if you let us know. Please don’t hesitate to pull a representative aside at any time. They are true pros and will do everything they can to address the issue.
The lodge runs on a diesel generator supplying standard 110 volt electricity from 5 pm to 9 am daily. Both 2 and 3 prong work similar to the American system. It is fine to charge your electronic devices without an adapter. You will need an adapter for the hotels in Manaus, but can usually borrow one at the front desk.
The camp has a satellite phone. The cost is $5.00 per minute. Renting a satellite phone might be the best option if you need to be in touch. The lodge is also equipped with wireless internet.
Daily laundry service
Laundry is picked up in the evening during dinner and returned the next day at no charge. Pack reasonably and your laundry will be done for you.
Beer and wine are provided as part of the package price. If you would like any alcohol other than wine and beer, please tuck it away in your personal belongings and bring it with you from Manaus or home. There are some spirits available at the lodge for purchase.